Saturday, August 4, 2007

Here's........... Oliver!!!!

Look at all that hair!!!

Let me sleep people!!

The Russell's 2007 Style!!!!

It is so amazing to be parents!! What else in life could be better?

I'm still number one right?

Carson loves being a big brother!! Wasn't really sure what to make of all the attention being paid to this little bundle, but he is going to be a great big brother.

We are pretty darn HAPPY!!

What a great set of lungs this kid has....

It is funny how each child has a different cry to them. I was expecting the same sounds that Carson made and Oliver's are completly different. Nonetheless this kid was screaming from the get go. He latched on to his mom pretty darn quick though and that calmed him right down.

Here comes T R O U B L E!

Oliver Edward (Amanda's Dads' middle name) Russell was born 6.9 Pounds and 19.5 inches long. What a beautiful boy. I didn't feel a thing, I don't know what girls fuss about?